Monday, January 2, 2012

Jan. 2 - high hopes, but I got nothin'

I had high hopes this morning for something cool and inspiring to write, but I've got nothin'. Spent the day with my sweet family that I enjoy so much. Sheet music for the two older girls' who are auditioning this week, a whole rant on the musical director another day. A nice day at the park, up to 82 degrees today here in the desert, very odd to have it be this warm and gorgeous in early JANUARY!!! I ust admit, I appreciated the gorgeousness of the day.

The best I can come up with for ranting today...moronic drivers. Now, I could go on for days on end about the antics of moronic drivers, but today I will just focus on the one observation that stood out. I encountered a red PT Cruiser weaving in and out of traffic in a 50 mph zone. I will totally give him/her points though, for using his/her turn signal while doing it. When I see this behavior, I always wonder WHERE are the going in such a weaving hurry? I honestly try very hard to be a good driver and am extremely conscientious and follow all traffic rules etc. The amount of idiocy I encounter on the roadways astounds me. I've always had a theory that starting the day after Thanksgiving, you can go to the DMV and get a candy cane sticker for your license which entitles you to drive like an absolute idiot without recourse until Jan. 1st; sadly, some people seem to possess these stickers year round. I know this seems a little high and mighty and I don't care.

Don't worry, we'll revisit this. School resumes tomorrow and the other parent drivers in the school parking lot make me almost suicidal. Thank goodness for "Xploding Boxes".

May your day be better thank you hoped and thanks for stopping by!!


  1. Cool and inspiring to whom, may I ask? Here's one for you. How many hundreds of drivers were driving well as you focused on the red PT Cruiser?

    Hah! Can't answer that, can you?

    Some days it is inspiring just to wake up...and I was awake at 6:30. I do not understand why the world wants to start at that ungodly hour.

  2. For the masses I will share my reply here...he got my attention BECAUSE he nearly clipped my bumper as he/she wove his/her way past me - kinda made me notice. ;)
